Become a better Version of yourself

Learn how to train with a better technique and maximize your results while prevent long term injuries!


Stop spending countless hours in the gym without getting results.

Personal Training One-on-one

Offers personalized fitness programs tailored to your individual goals and needs, ensuring focused guidance and support throughout your fitness journey.


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Two-On-One Personal Training

Provides a dynamic and engaging fitness experience, where two clients work closely with a dedicated personal trainer to achieve their fitness goals together.


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Online Coaching

Offers personalized fitness guidance and support remotely, allowing clients to access professional training and expertise from anywhere, at their own convenience.

$300 monthly

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Training Program

Delivers customized fitness plans and expert guidance, empowering individuals to reach their fitness goals effectively and efficiently.


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Nutritional Plan

Provides personalized meal plans and expert guidance to optimize nutrition and support clients in achieving their health and wellness goals.


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My journey with Eduardo is not just one of physical fitness it also has indeed a whole lot of mental stability to allow me to believe in myself being able to achieve what I have in 7 months.

The relationship I have built with Edu is one of trust, belief and honesty. I can truly say if he is your trainer you will never have a day where you feel alone in your journey.

Without his belief in what I can achieve I don’t think I would push as hard as I have.

I highly recommend Eduardo as a coach a mentor to anyone wanting to start a fitness journey.

Stathi Tsirbas


Eu vejo que o Edu realmente ama o que ele faz, ele vive o que faz, ele é o exemplo que deve ser seguido de consistência, determinação e disciplina, e isso com certeza é o diferencal para ele se destacar no meio de tantos ‘profissionais’!

O Edu está sempre disposto a inovar e personalizar os treinos de acordo com necessidade e a dificuldade de cada aluno. Comecei treinar com ele regularmente há uns 7 meses atrás para perder peso. Hoje 6kg a menos na balança, e muito ganho de massa magra vejo diferenças gritantes no meu corpo, que as vezes nem consigo acreditar.

Carolina Criado


I started training with Edu in October last year and it was evident that he took personal training very seriously, which helped me to switch gears, physically and mentally.

Eduardo has a way of pushing and challenging me to be better than I think and this carries on in my everyday life, business dealings and relationships. My self doubt dissipates when I train and I feel Eduardo helps me to believe in myself and my capabilities, which in turn fuels my confidence and independence.

Berlinda Jane


I started training with my personal trainer Eduardo in June 2022. I am very proud and confident of the results so far.

Each session I have learnt injury prevention, safe manual handling techniques using weights and gym equipment, together with a new program of exercises.

Eduardo and I discussed in detail what I wished to accomplish and the results have been amazing with lean, tone muscle definition and body fat reduction.

Ella Liese


I started training with Eduardo in June having switched gyms. Up until this point I had struggled to get my body fat percentage under 18% and struggled to put muscle on. I had always eaten clean on a 80/20 split and trained six day a week.

We are now cutting over a 12 week period to achieve my goal of being “ripped” for a Bali Christmas. If I can give one price of advice you need to be consistent in your training when not with Eduardo and more so with your diet and meal prep. The results will come if you remain consistent.

Shane Thompson

Academia nunca fez parte da minha rotina e estilo de vida, tinha preguiça só de pensar na idéia.

Até que no início de Maio/22 resolvi dar o primeiro passo com o apoio de uma amiga.

E que bom que encontramos o Edu, ele eh fora da curva no que faz, se dedica muito e era tudo que precisávamos.

Edu, obrigada por nunca desistir de mim. Obrigada por todas as vezes que eu disse: eu não consigo, vc me fez acreditar que eu conseguiria!

Day Monteiro


Eduardo was recommended to me by a close friend of mine. My experiences and progress with Eduardo has been challenging, but also rewarding. In such little time he has definitely been a positive influence for me with having the right mind set to achieve my goals.
Just when you think your body is about to quit, he is there with a good attitude to motivate you and lift your spirits and keep going.
Working with Eduardo has been great because, every session is different and effective.
With his knowledge and guidance, I have a better understanding on how to work my muscles, stay in shape and try to stay healthy.
I feel stronger💪
Thanks for your help Eduardo.

Stefanos Koukouvas


If you’ve been through the difficult phase of maintaining an exercise routine, you know how challenging it is to motivate yourself to keep up with the training. But thanks to Edu, I had a true partner in this personal transformation journey.

With his guidance and support, I found the necessary inspiration to push beyond my limits and achieve amazing results. He was the key piece to this change in my life, and I’m immensely grateful to have him by my side on this journey.

Fernanda Renner


I first met Eduardo when I started training at snap fitness winellie through another PT I had been training with for a few months.

My initial goal was to get fit for my wedding in October but being where I am now has made me realise it has changed so much more for my health! I was the biggest/ unfittest I had ever been with a lot of back pain and terrible hives caused by being pre diabetic.

I have been with Ed for a little over a year now and he has helped me build strength and concentrate on my form! I’m now 24 kgs down with no back pain and my hives and pre diabetes is completely gone!

Ed is so knowledgeable and invested in his clients and I would highly recommend him to anyone no matter the fitness journey because he is just the best!

Indi Payne


Eduardo Vidal enabled me to return to the gym safely after I experienced a complex injury that resulted in restricted breathing and chronic chest and upper back pain.

Ed began with a conservative approach to see how my body would respond, before gradually increasing the intensity. As a keen swimmer, I was grateful for any help that would enable me to fully enjoy my sport of choice once again. Most importantly, I was hoping to improve my general quality of life, which had suffered a blow due to unresolved pain and breathing issues. I have been amazed at the results from training with Ed. After 5 months, I have less chest pain and a greater level of strength and energy than I imagined possible for someone with my symptoms.

I am physically much stronger and more toned than before my injury. My mental resilience has also grown, as I have seen what the human body is capable of, under the guidance of a knowledgeable personal trainer.

Of all the western medicines and alternative therapies I have tried, Ed’s strength training sessions have been the most effective approach to date.

Michelle Coleman


Don’t waste time, get in touch with me and schedule your class.

What is included

Access to the app MY PTHUB

A brand new workout routine for each month (including exercises, sets, reps and a video explanation on how I would like you to perform each exercise.

Cardio recommendations.

Weekly check ins including photos, body weight and feedback of how the week progressed.

Weekly alterations to the Diet and/or exercise program if necessary.

24/7 Constant communication and support from myself personally to answer any questions you have or help in any other way I can.

A supplement guide to assist you in choosing the best supplement to achieve your goals, how to use them and information on how they work.

About Us

With a decade of international experience in the Health and Fitness industry I have developed a deep passion and expertise in guiding people to their fitness goal. I have helped hundreds of people find the inspiration to lead a healthier lifestyle and have provided them with the knowledge and skills to live an active and fulfilling life.

My passion for fitness dates back to my childhood sporting activities. However, it was during my university degree (Exercise & Sports Science) that I realized the possibilities available and decided to dedicate my life to a career in personal training.

As a Personal Trainer, my aim is to find new and interesting ways to motivate and inspire others to make healthy lifestyle choices and enjoy real positive changes.

If you are just starting out, starting over or searching for the next level, I invite you to email me and discover the next step in your health and fitness journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Personal Training One-on-One offers personalized fitness programs tailored to your individual goals and needs, ensuring focused guidance and support throughout your fitness journey.

Two-On-One Personal Training provides a dynamic and engaging fitness experience, where two clients work closely with a dedicated personal trainer to achieve their fitness goals together.

Online Coaching offers personalized fitness guidance and support remotely, allowing clients to access professional training and expertise from anywhere, at their own convenience.

Training Program delivers customized fitness plans and expert guidance, empowering individuals to reach their fitness goals effectively and efficiently.

Nutritional Plan provides personalized meal plans and expert guidance to optimize nutrition and support clients in achieving their health and wellness goals.

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